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AI-powered document analysis and assistant!

Instant answers at your fingertips! Unleash the power of our AI tool that effortlessly imports your business documents transforming complex terms into accessible answers for your employees, customers, and business owners.”

With Botonym’s high
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Tired of sifting through documents or looking for specific info?

Are you tired of spending precious time sifting through stacks of documents or searching for specific information within lengthy business documents? We’re excited to introduce SOP.Bot, your AI-powered document analysis and assistant!

Say goodbye to manual searching and hello to instant answers. Import single multiple documents, ask your questions, and retrieve information in a flash

We're excited to introduce SOP.Bot, your AI-powered document analysis and assistant!


Multiple Imports

Effortlessly import single or multiple documents of your business

Document Analysis

Our tool extracts key information from your documents to aid quick decision-making.

Instant Answers

Get immediate and accurate responses related to the content of the imported documents.

Natural Language Processing

Utilize advanced NLP algorithms to understand and interpret the text within the DOCUMENTSs.


Effective solution
Better growth

Transform your enterprise with the power of our customized mobile solutions and services.

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Botonym clients and their results are the best proof that our methodologies work. But we’ve also received numerous awards and praise from the media and our peers.

Our Work

We been work
on those so far

As your end-to-end technology partner, we engineer world class web, mobile & custom software solutions that deliver result and increases business efficiency.